Matthew 13 (part two) Sermon Discussion Questions

Knowing Jesus could return at any moment is to cause us to be prepared, be expectant, and to be busy for the kingdom. 

Do you need to be prepared for judgment? What would this mean for you? 

Why do we not live expectantly for the coming of Christ? 

How could you cultivate a more expectant heart for the coming of Christ? 

How does gathering with the church increase your expectancy for the kingdom?  

Do you pray for the coming of Jesus often? Why or Why not? 

What makes you most excited about the return of Christ? 

What in this life distracts you looking to the imminent return of Christ?

Practically, how does expecting the return of Christ drive us to holiness?

In what specific ways could you be more busy as you wait for the return of Christ?

By | 2022-01-29T16:14:22-05:00 January 29th, 2022|BFG, Blog, Mark|Comments Off on Matthew 13 (part two) Sermon Discussion Questions