Genesis 14:1-14

What about current world events scares you the most? In what ways has the gospel and the story of God’s unstoppable kingdom encouraged you as you watch the world’s chaos unfold?

How are you stealing glory from Jesus by trusting in yourself to fix your problems? Of what glory stealing forms of self righteousness are you most guilty? What would it look like to let go of such pride and let Jesus have the glory in rescuing you?

What opportunities do you have to show courageous mercy? Who in your life needs mercy in light of life’s difficulty and even bad decisions? What will it look like for you to show them mercy?

What changes can you make daily to make sure you are more focused on God’s mission to exalt Jesus as a merciful redeemer instead of worrying over world events beyond your control? How can you be more focused and committed to Jesus’ unstoppable mission daily?

By | 2024-04-20T22:47:17-04:00 April 20th, 2024|BFG, Blog, Genesis, The Beginning|Comments Off on Genesis 14:1-14