Romans 3:19-24 Sermon Discussion Questions 2022-10-22T16:55:53-04:00

Romans 3:19-24 Sermon Discussion Questions

  • When have you noticed yourself reading the Bible or listening to sermons and applying them to others first before you apply them to yourself? What can you do practically to change this behavior?
  • How does an I’m-better-than-you attitude hinder your witness of Jesus Christ to others? Why is humility so important when we share the gospel with others, especially in our present cultural moment? How will the doctrine of justification by faith alone help you be a humble witness of Jesus this week?
  • Who are those people in your life (at school, work, in your family, in the community, around the world, etc.) who you avoid sharing the gospel with because you don’t think they will believe it or don’t deserve it? Or who don’t you invite to church because they just don’t seem like the “type”? Spend some time praying for those people and for your heart toward them. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with them and invite them to church this week.
  • How have you noticed an I’m-better-than-you attitude in your life as you interact with others in our church? Are you refusing to get involved or to invite others to get involved with you because of spiritual pride? What are some of your “standards of acceptability” that you need to let go of?
  • What kinds of people in the church do you tend to gravitate towards or away from? Why do you think that’s the case? How does the doctrine of justification by faith alone change how you think about others in our church family? Is there anyone you need to apologize to or reconcile with?
  • What would it look like practically in your life to replace an I’m-better-than-you attitude with a Jesus-is-better-than-us attitude? How would it practically change how you interact with those outside the church? How would it practically change how you interact with those inside the church?