Genesis 12:10-20 Sermon Discussion

What obstacle are you currently facing that seemingly stands in the way of you believing God is good and will do what he has promised? What would it look like for you to respond to these circumstances by faith in God’s goodness?  

What circumstances are you most tempted to lie? How is this displaying a lack of faith in God? 

How does the blessing of the gospel free you from lying before God and to others?  

In what tangible mercy have you experienced in situations where God had every right to withhold His goodness? How have you experienced God’s faithfulness through times in which you have been unfaithful?  

How does knowing God will fulfill all His promises in Christ change the way you think about current world events? What does it look like to live with hope in God’s promise in a world that often seems hopeless? 

By | 2024-04-06T21:43:50-04:00 April 6th, 2024|BFG, Blog, Genesis, The Beginning|Comments Off on Genesis 12:10-20 Sermon Discussion