Giving at Ashland is something we do together. It is one more way that God reminds us that the Christian life is not isolated from others but rather in community. And, whether you give on a Sunday morning or use the online giving portal below, we give together. And we do it together so we can go on mission for Jesus Christ in Richmond and to the ends of the earth.

Or, mail checks to:
P.O. Box 324, Richmond KY, 40476
Budget Commitments
General Budget
The General Budget is our annual operating budget, which is affirmed by the congregation each January. All undesignated gifts go towards this fund.
Ends of the Earth
Ends of the Earth fuels our church’s mission to make disciples of all nations and plant healthy churches. It funds our hands-on church planting efforts in New Orleans, Peru, and to the ends of the earth. Additionally, this fund allows us to reach the unreached and financially support missionaries and mission partners like the IMB, Reaching and Teaching, and Radius International.
Giving online is easy and secure. Our online giving provider uses the same level of encryption that banks use for online banking. You can rest easy knowing that the highest level of security available is being used to keep your information safe. Once you click the link above, you will be directed to our online giving partner’s site to set up your account. You do not have to set up an account, but we recommend it. You’ll be able to track your giving and set up recurring tithes.
One final note before you begin the process. You can use credit/debit cards or e-check to give online. If you are planning to use your credit card for tithing, we ask that you not incur debt in order to give to the church. If you are planning on giving from your checking account, we recommend using the e-check/ACH option rather than your debit card (click the check image on the top right). The fees associated with ACH transactions are much lower than debit cards.