We pursue unity in the church from our personal experience of the gospel. If our experience before God is only alienation, condemnation and demands, we will alienate, condemn, and demand more of others? How will you with the gospel fight your desire to alienate, condemn, and demand from others? How will you with the gospel purse unity through love, mercy, and compassion?
Sameness is not unity. Unity is displayed through our gospel fellowship despite our differences. How do you struggle to see unity only in terms of sameness? How can you pursue unity with those who are different from you in the church? How does this magnify the gospel?
When the church has one gospel mindset to love despite differences the harmony of love as a whole in the congregation overwhelms our lack of love as individuals? What does this mean? How have you seen the congregation’s love overwhelm your lack of love? How has the church’s love as a whole taught you how to love better?
Both, our desire to live for God’s glory and our responsibility to serve for the joy of others, can only be fulfilled through our commitment to the gospel? What does this mean? What changes can you make to live for God’s glory by being more committed to the gospel? What changes can you make to serve for the joy of others by being more committed to the gospel?