Witnesses in Quarantine | Acts:18 | Sermon Discussion

How has God uniquely prepared and equipped you to be a witness at this time?

Specifically, how does the promise of God’s coming Kingdom of Christ with no sin and no fear of death free you up to react and live differently from those around in this time of crisis? (Think money, time, sacrifices, risks, emotions, outrage, anxiety) 

Who do you need to share the gospel with this week? Stop now and pray for opportunities. What steps will you take to do so? Be specific

Where as God uniquely placed you in this quarantine? What opportunities for ministry is this providence of God giving you? How will you be an intentional witness where God has placed you this week? 


By | 2020-03-21T16:55:57-04:00 March 21st, 2020|BFG, Blog|Comments Off on Witnesses in Quarantine | Acts:18 | Sermon Discussion