Mark 11:27-33 Sermon Discussion Questions

If Jesus has the inherent authority to die for our sins, He has the authority to order our lives. Have you sought to benefit from the gospel, have your sins forgiven and hope over death, but reject Jesus’ authority in any area of your life? 

In what areas of your life are you seeking to reject Jesus’ authority? (Marriage, Work, Entertainment, Recreation etc) Why is this inconsistent with who He is as King over sin and death?

We will compromise as Christians when we make something other than God and His word our authority. Have you found yourself making feelings, friends, culture or tradition the authority of your faith? How may this cause you to compromise your faith?

Have you ever found yourself looking for a chink in God’s authority so you could just do what you want? How does this play in your life? Why is it better and easier to just repent, turn from sin and turn to Jesus?

Do you understand Jesus’ authority as harsh and demanding? How does this authority displayed at the cross change your understanding of His authority.

By | 2021-11-13T16:46:11-05:00 November 13th, 2021|BFG, Blog, Mark, Unserved King|Comments Off on Mark 11:27-33 Sermon Discussion Questions