Mark 12:1-12 Sermon Discussion Questions

In what ways are you most tempted to live as an ‘owner’ and not a ‘tenant’ for God’s glory? What areas of your life are you saying, “Mine!” and not “God’s?” 

While you may not have experienced the physical violence many around the world endure for the gospel, how have you experienced the natural backlash from others against the message, “God is king! Jesus is Lord!”

How should the understanding that your sin is personally robbing Jesus of His glory change the way you see specific sin in your life? Talk through examples of how we specifically rob Jesus of His glory in specific areas.

How can you order your life to be a better steward for Jesus’ glory? Talk through ways you need to be a better tenant for Jesus’ glory in certain areas of your life.

What are you doing to cultivate and gather fruit for Jesus from among the nations? How are you making disciples and witnessing the Lordship of Christ around the world? How will you pray, give, go, and send more into God’s vineyard?

God used the worst sin in the world to accomplish His greatest grace. How does this encourage you amidst the guilt of your “worst” sins? 


By | 2021-11-20T14:53:20-05:00 November 20th, 2021|BFG, Blog, Mark, Unserved King|Comments Off on Mark 12:1-12 Sermon Discussion Questions